New publications

Baranov, L. G. Methods of training martial artists in the traditional kung fu Wing Chun: a teaching guide

 UDC 796.855 (075.8)

Baranov, L. G. Methods of training martial artists in the traditional kung fu Wing Chun: a teaching guide / L. G. Baranov. — Mogilev: MSU named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2017. — 48 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-302-6

The teaching guide is the author’s presentation of some aspects of training in the traditional Wu Shu (kung fu) Wing Chun. It considers the history of creation and development of this yu-shu direction, methods of basic training. It outlines some aspects of modern competitive activity at the Wing Chun school.
The publication is intended for students of the course PSM “Oriental combat sports”, teachers and coaches for martial arts, as well as for all those interested in martial arts.


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