New publications

Chikindina, T.P. Training resource gathering on summer teaching practice: training materials

UDC 378.147.88 (075)

Chikindina, T. P. Training resource gathering on summer teaching practice: training materials / T. P. Chikindina. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2019. — 140 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-490-0

The publication highlights the content of the discipline “Training Resource Gathering on Summer Teaching Practice” and the forms of its study including lectures, practical classes and self-study within each topic.
The theoretical body is concise, but informative in revealing features of organizational of educational work in summer children recreation camp. The practical part reveals basic concepts of each topic, issues for discussion, assignments for research and literature for student self-study.
It is addressed to students of the Faculty of Primary and Music Education.


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