New publications

Denisovets, D. A. Python Language. A course of lectures

UDC 378.016: 004.43 (075.8)

Denisovets, D. A. Python Language. A course of lectures : in 2 parts / D. A. Denisovets, I. N. Sidorenko. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — Part 1. — 164 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-893-9

The publication is a guide to a laboratory practice on the Python programming language. It is structured in accordance with “Programming Languages” study programme. Topic 1 “Introduction to Python. Instructions and Programme Structure. Data Input and Output”; Topic 2 “Data Types, Variables, Arithmetic and Mathematical Operators”; Topic 3 “Branch Operator”; Topic 4 “Loops”; Topic 5 “Symbols and Strings”; Topic 6 “Lists, Tuples and Sets. Dictionaries”; Topic 7 “Functions, Modules and Packages”; Topic 8 “Working with Files”.
It is intended for full-time and part-time students majoring in 1-40 01 01 “Information Technology Software”, as well as for students majoring in 1-31 03 04 “Informatics”.


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