New publications

Duk, D. V. Polotsk in the light of formation of historical and national forms of Belarusian Statehood (IX–XX centuries)

UDC 94 (476.5) "8/19"

Duk, D. V. Polotsk in the light of formation of historical and national forms of Belarusian Statehood (IX–XX centuries) : a monograph / D. V. Duk [and others]. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2019. — 132 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-579-2

The monograph designates the role of Polotsk in formation of historical and national forms of Belarusian statehood in the IX–XX centuries. The publication brings together a team of archaeologists and historians, who under the supervision of D. V. Duk and I. A. Marzalyuk have studied various aspects of the history of Polotsk and Polotsk region in a broad historical context. Symbolic governance practices of Rogvolodovichy Dynasty on Polotsk land in the XI–XII centuries were first analyzed in the historiography. The authors state the fact that Polotsk and Polotsk region had all the attributes characteristic of the medieval state. The role of Polotsk in the statehood process on the territory of Belarus during the Great Duchy of Lithuania is analyzed on the background of topographic, ethno-cultural and socio-economic development. The process of transformation of the historical memory and identity of Polotsk population during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Russian Empire and as the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic is characterized.


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