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Foreign Language (general knowledge). Foreign Language (professional) : a workbook

UDC 811.111

Foreign Language (general knowledge). Foreign Language (professional) : a workbook / compilers: E. N. Betova, M. V. Zablotskaya. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2022. — 104 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-963-9

The workbook is intended for part-time students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology majoring in 1-01 01 01 Preschool Education, 1-03 03 01 Speech Therapy and for students of the Faculty of Primary and Musical Education majoring in 1-01 02 01 Primary Education. The didactic materials are presented in three sections: foreign language (general knowledge), foreign language (professional) and grammar. It includes a situation lexical minimum; professionally oriented texts; a set of exercises aimed at accumulating and systematizing vocabulary and reading comprehension, necessary for annotating and summarizing; exercises for grammar revision and consolidation. The workbook is part of the educational complex for the disciplines “Foreign Language (general knowledge)” and “Foreign Language (professional)” and is intended for both classroom work and student self-study.


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