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General and Inorganic Chemistry: “Inorganic Chemistry”. s- and p-Elements. Workbook

UDC 54

General and Inorganic Chemistry: “Inorganic Chemistry”. s- and p-Elements. Workbook / comp. by V. A. Sedakova, E. N. Kurtsova. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — 112 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-769-7

The workbook contains 7 main sections of Inorganic Chemistry in accordance with the discipline curriculum. Each topic consists of three blocks: a theoretical part, control issues and problems. The block of control issues contains tasks for additions, reaction equations, transformation schemes, as well as test tasks to check the assimilation of basic terms and definitions. The problems block contains tasks of various difficulty levels, including advanced tasks. It is intended for students majoring in 02 04 01 Biology and Chemistry and can be used in the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry.


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