New publications

General Linguistics : a teaching aid

UDC 81 (075.8)

General Linguistics : a teaching aid / auth. and comp. E. E. Ivanov. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2019. — 112 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-596-9

The publication includes topics and a concise course of lectures, topics and issues of seminars, tasks for students’ self-study, an informative minimum of the course, sample tests for each topic, sample exam questions, criteria for assessing students’ competencies. A list of recommended educational, scientific and reference literature is provided. The teaching aid is intended both for students’ guided work in the classroom and for their self-study combined with a teacher’s supervision.
For university students majoring in 1-21 05 06 Romano-Germanic Philology.
Recommended by the Teaching and Methodical Association on Humanitarian Education as a teaching aid for university students majoring in 1-21 05 06 Romano-Germanic Philology.


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