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Goleshevich, B. O. Pedagogy of musical heuristics : a monograph

 UDC 372.8: 78

Goleshevich, B. O. Pedagogy of musical heuristics : a monograph / B. O. Goleshevich. – Mogilev : MSU named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2017. – 212 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-337-8

The monograph represents the concept of pedagogical guidance of musical heuristics of schoolchildren. The historical aspect of the development of general musical education is analyzed, the synthesis of factors of musical awareness of the society is conducted, the heuristic resource of musical art is grounded.
The components of the pedagogical system for stimulating spiritual and materializing discoveries in schoolchildren at music lessons are formulated.
The pedagogical technology of embodiment of musical heuristics of students in art creativity is grounded.
The publication is addressed to theorists and practitioners of general music education.


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