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Ivanov, Ye.Ye. Coursework on Linguistics (phraseology, paremiology, aphorism of the English language): a teaching aid

 UDC 811.111 (075.8)

Ivanov, Ye.Ye. Coursework on Linguistics (phraseology, paremiology, aphorism of the English language): a teaching aid / Ye.Ye. Ivanov, J. A. Petrushevskaya. – Mogilev: MSU named after A.A. Kuleshov, 2017. – 204 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-280-7

The publication contains guidelines for fulfillment of course papers on Linguistics, recommended topics of course papers considering superword units of the English language in descriptive, comparative and translational planes, (250 general topics can be turned in more than 1500 specific topics ), a list of scientific, reference and educational literature on sections and topics (totaling more than 1000 titles), exemplary samples of various course papers, bibliography of student publications on English phraseology, paremiology and aphorism (2001-2016).

For students majoring in 1-21 05 06 Romano-Germanic philology.

Recommended by the educational and methodological association for humanitarian education as a teaching aid for students of higher education majoring in 1-21 05 06 "Romano-Germanic philology".


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