New publications

Levskaya, L.A Constitutional Law: a practicum

UDC 342 (075.8)

Levskaya, L.A Constitutional Law: a practicum / L.A. Levskaya, A.I. Makshtareva. — Mogilev: Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2017. — 224 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-367-5

The publication is designed to study the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Belarus and includes a plan of the discipline, assignments for seminars (practical) classes, questions for self-control, references, diagrams and tables, topics for essays, and final control tasks (in the form of puzzles) and tests. It takes into account normative legal sources and special literature up to December 2017.

It can be used by teachers, full-time and part-time students majoring in "Jurisprudence" and "Economic Law", as well as by students of advanced training specializing in "Jurisprudence".


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