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Loban, T. I. Preschoolers’ formation of elementary mathematical concepts : teacher practicum

UDC 373.2:51(075.8)

Loban, T. I. Preschoolers’ formation of elementary mathematical concepts : teacher practicum / T. I. Loban. – Mogilev : Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2016. – 56 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-236-4

The practicum is worked out on the bases of innovative achievements in the theory and methodology of preschoolers’ formation of elementary mathematical concepts. It is intended for university students and teachers, as well as for preschool teachers. It includes two sections. Section 1 is supposed to provide theoretical training of teachers to work with Zoltán Pál Dienes logic blocks. Section 2 contains study groups activity plan and didactic games notes on preschoolers’ formation of logical thinking elements.


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