New publications

Murzich, V. I. Criminological practicum: educational materials

 UDC 343.9 (076.1)

Murzich, V. I. Criminological practicum: educational materials / V. I. Murzich, N. V. Panteleeva. — Mogilev : MSU named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2017. — 72 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-292-0

The practicum is intended to facilitate students of the Faculty of Economics and Law in preparing for seminars and credit in the discipline “Criminology”. It includes the course curriculum, plans for seminars, tests, topics of abstracts, questions for credit and reference. The publication is expected for full-time and part-time students, as well as for students of advanced training course specializing in “Jurisprudence”.


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