New publications

Rier, Ya. G. Countries of Asia, Africa and America in the I – the middle of the II millennium

UDC 94 (100) ”… / 01” (075.8)

Rier, Ya. G. Countries of Asia, Africa and America in the I – the middle of the II millennium: a lecture course / Ya. G. Rier. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2019. — 428 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-581-5

The lecture course is a substantially extended and revised version of the 2001 edition. The structure of the previous version of the book being preserved, significant additions and in some places clarifications to the new one were made. They are based on the teaching experience accumulated over the past twenty years, synthesis of the latest research and also on the awareness of the need to answer new questions of contemporary readers.
Taking into account the current state of the global world and the role of the countries of the “East”, much attention is paid, alongside with the event summary, to identifying the driving forces of the development of eastern societies that explain their specifics in the past and present. From these points of view, the chapters on Islam and Muslim states are most substantially extended. Unlike the previous edition, the latest one includes the history of the countries of Southeast Asia, which is usually not considered in general courses on the Middle Ages. But in this case, the growing role of this region in our time and the new data in the study of the history of the region, obtained primarily by archaeologists, are taken into account.
The course of lectures is intended for students and undergraduates of historical faculties of universities. It can also be recommended for in-depth study of world history in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.


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