New publications

Rier, Ya. G. Essays on the formation of the medieval European states in the context of general historical processes: natural environment and social development : a teaching guide

UDC 372.8:51

Rier, Ya. G. Essays on the formation of the medieval European states in the context of general historical processes: natural environment and social development : a teaching guide / Ya. G. Rier. – Mogilev : Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2016. – 412 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-173-2

The publication makes a comparative analysis of the state formation in different areas of the European continent in the early Middle Ages. Since the examined period was the beginning of most European nations and most currently existing states the synchronous study of their formation contributes to better understanding of modern inter-state relations as well as the aspiration of many nations to obtain their statehood. The teaching guide highlights the issues of statehood starting from the late primitive considering the role of natural environment in the formation of ancient and medieval states. Since the wide readers’ interest in the past generates the diversity of its interpretations, the author analyzes some of the new techniques of modern historical research.
The publication is primarily designed for graduate and postgraduate students doing History, as well as to a wide range of history buffs.
Recommended by the Teaching Association for humanitarian education as a teaching guide for students majoring in 1-21 03 01 “History (in profiles)”.


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