New publications

Rier, Ya. G. Western, Central and Southern Europe Culture in the Middle Ages : a course of lectures

UDC 94“04/14”(075.8)

Rier, Ya. G. Western, Central and Southern Europe Culture in the Middle Ages : a course of lectures / Ya. G. Rier. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov, 2022. — 428 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-933-2

The book is a significantly expanded version of the manual published 20 years ago. It considers religion, spiritual culture, art, technical achievements and everyday life of the European continent nations in the Middle Ages. Attention is drawn to the specifics of the spiritual component of the formation of European civilizations. The lectures are addressed primarily to university students of historical departments and history teachers, as well as to students of specialized classes and those who are interested in our past.


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