New publications

Sharshneva, V. M. Contemporary Belarusian Literary Language : Syntax : Punctuation

УДК 811.161.3’367(076.5)

Sharshneva, V. M. Contemporary Belarusian Literary Language : Syntax : Punctuation : practice / V. M. Sharshneva. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2023. — 264 p.

ISBN 978-985-894-031-7

The publication “Contemporary Belarusian Literary Language: Syntax: Punctuation” is aimed at consolidating knowledge on corresponding sections of linguistics acquired during schooling, and is focused on developing skills for independent linguistic analysis of language units. The material is divided into the following topics: “The Phrase”, “The Simple Sentence”, “The Semi-composite Sentence”, The Composite Sentence”, “Direct, Inner and Indirect Speech”. Each of the topics includes a selection of tasks, including tests, to consolidate certain theoretical information and acquire practical skills of syntactic and punctuation analysis.
The publication is intended for students of philology and can be used by students and teachers in preparation for the centralized exam.
Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for Pedagogical Education as practice for university students majoring in 1-02 03 01 Belarusian Language and Literature.


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