New publications

Sharuho, I. N. Geography of world economy and population: a practice aid

UDC 911.3

Sharuho, I. N. Geography of world economy and population: a practice aid / I. N. Sharuho. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. A. Kuleshov University, 2020. — 144 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-623-2

The publication  is addressed to students majoring in 1-02 04-02 “Biology and Geography” (3–4 semesters). The discipline is rather voluminous in the problem field, it requires certain efforts, internal discipline, responsibility, systematic work of students to master the content, significant independent study of the material. The developed topics of practical (17), laboratory (9), and seminar (6) classes are divided into five main sections of the program: “Introduction to the Course”, “Factors of Growth and Development of the World Economy”, “Population Geography”, “System-Structural Analysis of Industries production sphere”,“Geographical and branch structure of the non-production sphere”.


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