New publications

Sharukho, I. N. Methods of Teaching Geography: a course of lectures

UDC 911 (072.3)

Sharukho, I. N. Methods of Teaching Geography: a course of lectures : in 3 parts / I. N. Sharukho. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — Part 2 : General Issues of Methods of Teaching Geography. Methodology for the Formation of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. — 160 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-826-7

The publication is addressed to students majoring in 1-02 04 02 Biology and Geography. Part 2 “General Issues of Methods of Teaching Geography. Methodology for the Formation of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities” includes abstracts from a course of lectures on five topics: (5–9) “The Process of Teaching Geography”, “Forms of Organizing Teaching Geography. A Lesson is the Basic Form. Types of Lessons”, “Technical Basis of Teaching Geography. Teaching Means”, “Methodology for the Formation of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities”, “Methodology for the Formation of Ideas and Concepts”. Part one was published at Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University in 2020.


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