New publications

Shershneva, T. N. Russian (basic level): an exercise book for foreign students: in 3 parts

UDC 811.161.1 (075.8)

Shershneva, T. N. Russian (basic level): an exercise book for foreign students: in 3 parts / T. N. Shershneva, S. V. Shakuro. — Mogilev : MSU named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2017. — P. 1. — 236 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-247-0

The publication is intended for foreign students of the Faculty of Pre-university Training. It contains supplementary assignments for the units of the second volume of the educational complex “The Road to Russia”.
The publication contains exercises of various types: aimed at observation, lexical meaning comprehension, referent recognition, practice and speaking. There are also exercises for generalizing and testing the studied material.
The materials can be used while doing Russian as a foreign language, for self-study followed by consideration of the proposed assignments.


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