New publications

Simanovich, Kh. N. Conducting Effective Classes in Aqua Aerobics: guidelines

UDC 378.016:797+796.035(078)(075.8)

Simanovich, Kh. N. Conducting Effective Classes in Aqua Aerobics: guidelines / Kh. N. Simanovich. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2022. — 32 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-957-8

The publication is intended for students majoring in 1 03 02 01 Physical Culture to study “Means of Health-improving Physical Culture”. It presents the purpose, place and role of student knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for further activities in the field of fitness. The following sections are provided for study: General Characteristics of Aqua Aerobics, Methods of Organizing and Conducting Aqua Aerobics Classes.


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