New publications

Timoshchenko, E. V. Data Mining: laboratory practice

UDC 004.43(076.5)

Timoshchenko, E. V. Data Mining: laboratory practice / E. V. Timoshchenko, A. F. Razhkov. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2022. — 72 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-941-7

The publication is intended for use in order to increase the practice-oriented training of students of medical and biological specialties and can be used when teaching a block of medical and biological disciplines, as well as for students of IT specialties as additional materials. It includes a list of laboratory works that help to acquire practical skills in bioanalytics and programming skills in Python. The developed laboratory practice assumes flexible scalability of the analytical system in the event of new problem situations and allows solving problems of various subject fields.


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